Informative Session with the Founder Institute – Tuesday May 14th – 6:30 PM – Free Admittance The Founder Institute is the world´s largest early stage accelerator Join us for a informational event where you can meet the local Directors, ask questions, and learn how you can launch a startup with the Founder Institute’s help. Registration: […]
Friday, May 10th: 12:30AM – 1:30 PM: Networking Lunch with Influential members of Medellin’s business community!!! On Friday we will have two of the most influential business people in Medellín. The first one is Juan Carlos Yepes, host of Negocios en TeleMedellin. Juan Carlos is a very influential person in Medellin and its business community, he […]
This upcoming Thursday the 28th we will be holding our bi-weekly Networking Lunch from 12:00-1:00PM. This is normally held every other Friday, but we have a special guest. Bowei Gai, who is the founder of the World Startup Report (, will be presenting that day. Bowei is working with tech leaders such as Brad Feld […]
Networking Lunch – This Friday from 12:30-1:30PM we will be holding our second ESPACIO Networking Lunch. Marta Cruz and Gonzalo Costa, 2 of the most important investors in Argentina, will be with us on this opportunity. They are the co-founders of NXTP Labs, which is one of the most influential investment funds in Latin America. […]
Sabado, Diciembre 15th, desde 2:00PM-3:00PM, en ESPACIO (Entrada Gratis). Presentacion en ingles. Evan Z Power,entrepreneur, Business and Personal Consultant, and Author of the book, «How to Have Anything You Desire». Free eBooks will be given to each person who attends.
Thursday, December 6th, from 6:00PM-7:30PM, at ESPACIO (Free To Attend). Presentation In Spanish and English. David Raynor is a Silicon Valley lawyer. He will be speaking about fundraising in Silicon Valley. The presentation will cover the preparation of materials, releases, legal structure and other things that people should know. If you are interested in attending, please email […]
Thursday, December 6th, from 6:30-8:00PM, at ESPACIO (Free to attend). Presentation in English. David Raynor is a Silicon Valley lawyer. He will talk about fundraising in Silicon Valley. The presentation will cover the preparation of materials, releases, legal structure and other things that people should know.
We will have the date sent next week (Free to attend). Presentation in English. Fundamentals of English for Entrepreneurs is a unique class of two hours, which teaches some English communication strategies necessary in business interaction with customers, investors and other English speakers. The class will cover topics such as writing a formal business email, […]
Tuesday, November 27th, from 6:30-8:00PM, at ESPACIO (Free to Attend) Presentation in Spanish. This class will address the principles of the most important legal aspects to be considered by entrepreneurs when starting a startup. There will be no legalese, laws to remember, it’s going to be in plain spanish and in the context of entrepreneurial projects. […]